- Research/Activities

Waldo Bien F.I.U. ResearchCurrent research interests focus mainly on the Artchive for the Future, or, the ongoing action around the Kloppenburg containers in Amsterdam and the catalogue of all the remaining Works of Kloppenburg which survive. As can be followed from the publication on Kloppenburg, 2006, the main activities of the research group is to assemble and photograph remaining material, and to deal with the various responsible bodies to arrive at a just settlement of the case of Kloppenburg and the City of Amsterdam. Updates of this research are posted at the Artchive for the future web site.

The second main project for research in the following year is the gathering of photographic and other documentary material around the Raum 20 group, and the impact of students of Beuys in forging new social and economic thinking , their work as it impacts on the public domain, and the long consequence of direct democracy as a model for future development.

The F.I.U. Amsterdam is also archiving its existent material and requesting help, internationally, to forward this research. The other elements of activities and research continue as before, with exhibitions, the FIUWAC, and the creation of the VUA, Virtual University for Artists, where we hope to create links and connections that exemplify the maxim, everyone is an artist, and provide  a new and transformed model of educational exchange, that follows on the aims of the Free International University, Amsterdam.

 - Biennale, Venice, 2007

Invitation Biennale

Following an Invitation by Lucrezia De Domizio Durini, the F.I.U. Amsterdam participates in the project:


Spazio Thetis, Venice, 10th June - 18th September 2007

100 Day’s of Permanent F.I.U. Conference

F.I.U. Amsterdam Video-Presentations on:

Joseph Beuys Das Kapital, by Babeth Mondini vanLoo
The Invisible Sculpture, by Babeth Mondini vanLoo
Joseph Beuys/Waldo Bien: Social Sculpture Basics Part 1
Joseph Beuys/Waldo Bien: Social Sculpture Basics Part 2
FIUWAC Introduction, by Babeth Mondini vanLoo
F.I.U. Amsterdam/FIUWAC, a Video Portrait by Ilja Kloppenburg
Carl Giskes/Tierrafino, a Video by Waldo Bien

 Public Street Lectures have been given during the 100 days permanent conference in Venice, 2007, by Patrick Healy and Waldo Bien on Jacobus Kloppenburgs Artchive for the Future. 3,4 and 5 July: F.I.U. Lectures at Spazio Thetis, Arsenale, Venezia.

Also see: Video Travel Report by Daniël de Leeuw

Artchive for the Future, San Marco
Iamsterdam02Jacobus Kloppenburg on his Amsterdam rooftop, photo Philip Mechanicus02

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