Social Economy/Ecology
The F.I.U. Toolkit for board and conference room tables is designed to improve social, economic and environmental awareness when decisions are taken, daily around the world. Art works, functioning as toolkit, will assist with global well being and responsibly directed management.
The Board and conference room tables are like a forum, a place where future investments are discussed and decisions taken, and, as we have noticed, with increasing global impact. This is what makes the board room tables so extremely important; it is the very place where the course of things is set What tools, we asked ourselves, could be developed and provided, to assist with such a responsible task? What tools could be placed on conference tables around the world, and draw attention to those matters that are easily overlooked or ignored but crucial, concerning us all?
1. First ‘thinking tool’ is a work of art that indicates and brings to life the spiritual dimension of a truly human society and economy. One would instantly think of a Joseph Beuys blackboard drawing. For Triodos Bank, we chose a Rudolf Steiner black board drawing, produced to illustrate his national economy Course, 1919, that bas been a source of inspiration to many who work in this field.
2. Something that could let us look at things in a new, different and self-reflecting way. For this purpose Jacobus Kloppenburg designed the Marrowbone Spectacles: a Deep Vision tool/sculpture with a non-physical ocular; there is no glass to look through, instead, our view is border lined, or guided, by the most essential natural form principles, the bone marrow space within the bone itself, also within our self.
3. Flora and Fauna chairs: To visualize, by way of ‘public commitment’, the chosen policy towards positive world development one should give a permanent voice to plants and animals at conference tables and indeed, in spirit, consult animal, plant and earth, when making decisions. it’s a continuous spiritual self-education for board members and to the benefit of the entire world. A green chair representing plants (green, according to the plants’ chlorophyll) and a red chair representing animals, (red, according to the animals’ blood, haemoglobin). To communicate the message to the blind, the arms of the chairs are provided with an inlay in brail, reading the words flora and fauna.
4. A small plant portrayal, to stand on the table.
5. A picture on the wall, showing plants, animals and man/womankind, in creative conversation.
6. Earth is present in the form of a careful chosen stone: At Triodos Bank Zeist from New Arnhemsland, Northern Australia, at Triodos Bank Brussels from the Nyragongo Volcano in Congo and for Triodos Brank Bristol from a volcano on Easter Island. All where selected at location and for this specific purpose. They represent real existing landscapes, somewhere on the globe.
7. Lothar Baumgarten has provided the keystone completing the spiritual arch: BRUTTO - TARA - NETTO
With such tools in sight and at hand, one automatically steers into a positive future and sets the trend to the benefit of all. blue chip investment
